Reasons not to read or visit my weblog:
- I am not a frequent blogger.
- I am not a handsome guy, unfortunately.
- No, I'm definitely not a young pretty girl who'll post sexy pictures all over.
- I don't post jokes, funny things, or ridiculous stuff.
- I don't post latest news, or technology-related news, too. I don't comment on them either.
- I don't write Malaysian-related issues. So, my weblog doesn't have the Malaysian touch.
- Also, I've never wrote any sensitive issues that'll attract people's attention.
- Some of my posts are too technical, while others are simply boring.
- There are no commenting system on my weblog. So, you're unable to speak up.
- My web site looks plain. Very, very plain.
- This weblog page is not friendly to Internet Explorer users.
- I didn't read or visit your weblog. Possibly.