For the last three days and nights, I have been burning the midnight oil, trying to catch up with the three subjects, Mathematics III, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, and Electronic Devices II. This is torture, I tell you. But fortunately, it's over now. The last paper was sure very hard. I doubt if I can score for the Electronic Devices II subject.
Anyway, I won't be worrying about that anymore. And ya, following those Xgl craze lately, I've finally had the chance to try out the new Kororaa Xgl Live CD, which I asked my friend, again, to download it. Gosh, it really works!! The rendering speed is simply unbelievable. And fast. I love it a lot.
I guess I don't to have say more or post screenshots here, just browse through the xgl tags and you'll get the idea. Most of my friends were impressed. Xgl rocks!