I personally find it amazing that Kopi.JS got started in 2013 and next year is going to be 2016. Even the last article I wrote was in February this year but somehow feels like a long time.
I would like to look back and see how we progress so far, one meetup at a time and one photo at a time.
There’s a total of 11 Kopi.JS meetups this year so here goes:
January 24th
Location: Chin Mee Chin Confectionery

Photo by Michael Cheng. Everyone’s looking at the other camera. Ignore the aunty.
February 14th
Location: Creamier (a little 🍦 and ☕️ there)

February 28th
Location: Ya Kun Kaya Toast
😥 No photos, so putting here a nice photo of coffee for now 😜

Photo by myself, going to drink this cup of Kopi.
March 12th
Location: Amoy Street Food Centre

Photo by Valentine. Look at those smiles.
April 11th
Location: My Awesome Cafe

May 21st
Location: Selfie Coffee Singapore

Photo by Michael Cheng, again. Yeap, those are selfie photos on top of coffee. Drinkable.
July 18th
Location: Oberstrasse

August 19th
Location: Yahava KoffeeWorks

Photo by myself. Pretty bad angle shot there, I know.
October 4th
Location: Percolate

Photo by Michael C.. again?! 💁
October 31st
Location: Chin Chin Eating House

Photo by Lakshan Perera. I’m not there but luckily Tim Tams were there.
November 22nd
Location: Ya Kun Kaya Toast

Tiny milestones
Yeap, for newcomers, first of many #kopijs meetups to come. And that includes next year. As always, I would like to thank everyone for joining the Kopi.JS meetups and take all these nice and memorable photos.
Happy 2016 to all Kopi (and non-Kopi) lovers 🎉
Originally published at medium.com